Raven Alaska Dash8-200 ‘College Sports’

Repaint of the The Fruit Stand (TFS) Dash8-100 in Ravn Alaska 'College Sports' color scheme. Base files package for FS2004 (tfsdh2.zip) available at avsim.com. This is an AI aircraft only

2 thoughts on “Raven Alaska Dash8-200 ‘College Sports’

  1. JB,

      This year I'm doing the Ravn flightplans for AIG.   Could you please change the nose logo to Ravn Alaska?   Here's more pictures:

    Ravn Alaska  N887EA Dash8-100 "College Sports
    LH:   https://img.planespotters.net/photo/703000/original/n887ea-ravn-alaska-de-havilland-canada-dhc-8-106-dash-8_PlanespottersNet_703727.jpg
    RH:   https://img.planespotters.net/photo/625000/original/n887ea-ravn-alaska-de-havilland-canada-dhc-8-106-dash-8_PlanespottersNet_625567.jpg

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